3 resultados relacionados con "Maxwell,Denis P.".
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Conceptualizations and uses of the Pennsylvania Framework for leadership in the practices of secondary school principals

Educational leadership, Educational evaluation, Estudio y enseñanza, Estudio y enseñanza

Autores: Nolt,Dwight E.
Año de publicación: 2016

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Shedding some light on cold acclimation, cold adaptation, and phenotypic plasticity

Research, phenotypic plasticity, Photosynthesis, Acclimatization (Plants)

Año de publicación: 2013

Global climate change and human health: from science to practice / George Luber, Jay Lemery.

Human beings Effect of climate on., Environmental Health., Climatic changes Health aspects., Global warming Health aspects., 616.988, Dewey: 616.988

Año de publicación: 2015